Monday, February 28, 2011
The Forecast
It started out great, had lots of potential. But they dropped the ball around the part where they introduced Mary to carry the dark soul the angels were after (The way Simon gave it to her was super creepy too O_O). They could have done so much better with the mithos they were given for this story, but they wasted it all (even Christopher Walken's potential as the angel Gabriel!). I dunno, maybe I went into this with expectations that were too high; but common! ANative American exorcism ritual for something that was obviously a christian-themed myth wtf!? They had an excellent opportunity use the background of Thomas and have him regain his faith through some sort of internal conflict and then finally caving in and performing the exorcism himself. It even seemed like they were leading up to that from the beginning by showing the detective about to get his priest-hood (or bishop-robe or whatever) before he had an episode in the church and abandoning it to become a Detective instead; then discovering Uziel's bible with the new chapter and deciphering it. But then it all kinda fell flat I felt; sure Daggett gets his faith back in the end, but it was done in a kind of "well-the-movie-is-over-lets-wrap-everything-up" way *pfffffft* lame!
On the plus side: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) as Lucifer, and Christopher Walken as Gabriel.
Maybe there's hope for it in "The Prophecy II", but I doubt it...
I give it 2 rubber angel faces out of 5.
"What do you love Gabriel?"
"Cracking your skull!"
Double movie week YA WOW!!!!!!!
I thought about waiting but won't it be fun to have 2 movies in one week!! OMG I'm so LOLROTF, BFF, and uh... POOP, and what ever else.
So without further delay here is my wife Corina's pick (she's a little blog shy so I'll post it for her)

Its Serial Mom! A cult classic, so they say.
So, 2 movies, twice the work, double the fun, best movie week ever.
Ninja Movie Topic!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Land Before Ti- I mean Baby Legend of the Lost Dinosaur
Rubber dinosaurs galore!!!!
The whole movie is pretty boring, the interaction between the humans and dinosaurs are boring.
There are a few action sequences that show full size dinos running thought the forest or falling and those actually look not that bad considering its just a guy in a suit.
Surprisingly there is a tear jerking moment when you see the budget Disneyland dinosaur dad get shot and killed, then eaten by vultures.
The wide shots of the dinosaurs look much better than the close ups when the seams and crossed eyes of the animals are revealed.
I'm rating this higher than it deserves just because I can remember being wowed as a 10 year old boy when I saw it in the theaters.
I give the dinosaurs 3.5 good from far, but far from goods out of 5
Here's my rendition of the native comic relief hero (no feet because I didn't want to draw them)

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Baby back riiiiiibs and BBQ sauce
The movie wasn't terrible. It wasn't very good either. Considering the dumps we had to wade through so far, this was like a picnic.
The human characters were kind of boring, and the back and forth between the good guys and bad guys got a tad tiresome.
The best character in this movie was the crazy scientist/paleontologist/murderer. That dude would do anything for science!
The Goods: Lack of CGI and Seeing the seams in the floppy dino suites.
The Bads: The annoying human characters.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Yeah BABY!!!!!!

This weeks movie is Baby: The Secret of the Lost Legend, a movie about dinosaurs found in the modern age made before dirty computer graphics and Jurassic Park.
I loved this movie when it came out. I remember drawing pictures of the dinosaurs in school and making little play-dough Brontosaurs. Ahh the memories....
So hopefully this movie is as magical as I remember and its not going to #2 on my childhood.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Should have Walkened away from Touch!
This is what I remember, Bridget Fonda needs a bra, Skeet walks up to people looking all creepy and touches them, Tom Arnold's best movie is still True Lies, and Christopher Walken will make me watch any movie as long as he is in it.
At least we got to do our Christopher Walken impressions during the slow parts (which was the whole movie).
I give this 1 walking shot of Christopher Walken out of 5

A little touch of boring
Imma make this quick.
Touch was boring. Maybe it would have been better if I was in the mood for this type of movie, but I wasn't.
I was ready for a comedy movie. The funniest part was when Tom Arnold got pushed out a window. weee
The Goods: Christopher Walken
The Bads: ZZZZ
I didn't know what to draw so I redrew the VHS cover to make it more appropriate:

Monday, February 7, 2011

I just want you to know you have the biggest...
Its got everything you need, lots of nudity, violence, stereotypical gangs (black, bikers and Asians oh my), wonderful acting (mostly by Dolf), superb dialogue, whew I have to rest for a bit before I go on....
Ok , I'm back, and to top it all off its got a training montage by Dolf and its not even a fight movie. After that Dolf dressed up like an anime karate kid and kicks ass!!! Oh ya and Brandon Lee is in it, he sucks.
I give this 1.5 spinning, on fire from fireworks, dead guys out of 5

Here's Dolf and one of the bad guys.
Friday, February 4, 2011
You have the right to remain dead!
One word review: Wow! not in a good way
Another one word review: Sorry
This movie was not what I was expecting. I honestly thought it was going to be a buddy cop movie or something (like rush hour or lethal weapon.)
I’m not sure what this was. It was kind of like a buddy cop movie, but it really wasn’t. The story was boring, the acting was terrible, no characters meshed, and the overall tone didn’t make sense. It was sometimes light hearted, but then they would throw in a topless lady or slice off someone's limb.
Sometimes a movie can be so bad that it goes full circle until it's good again.
Showdown in little Tokyo almost made it back to the good side. It was close but no cigar.
The Goods: Some things were pretty fun. Exploding parade floats, cheesy acting, stuffing underwear full of weapons.
The Bads: Overwhelming feeling of 'this isn't very good'
I’m giving this

Dolph should have stuck to golf. (For this movie at least)

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Showdown in Little Tokyo

Movie Info:
- This motion picture was made in 1991
- I bought this DVD last night for $3.50. I'm hoping it's worth it.
Sorry in advance.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Freaked Out
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
What did I think?
I had seen this movie before and thought it sucked then, it still sucks but not as bad as I thought it did. This movie cost 11million to make and they probably spend it all on make up and set design and skimped on the acting lessons.
Personally I like the animatronics and makeup. Keanu Reeves' acting is on par with everything else he's done.
I'll probably never watch this movie again, but I'm glad I did.
I give it 3 dead drama teachers rolling over in their grave out of 5.

The doodle was a 5 min scribble of the annoying kid from memory. My kids have been watching Lilo and Stitch constantly as of late so it kinda has a little of that flavor to it. I don't know what the body is doing, just a quick fill-in.