Judging by the poster and all the juvenile sex talk in the opening of this movie I thought we were in for something worse that all the American Pie movies combined. It actually turned out to be kind of a good movie. 80's you've done it again. This was one of the movies that started this kind of genre and I guess it is pretty tame by today's standards. Again this was one of those movies I was not allowed to see when I was little, but it probably would have been OK except for a couple scenes.
Well all in all, this movie had alot going on, the pranks, police corruption, classic phone gags, racism, sexual assaults with a huge inflatable, explosions, seemingly unending story running into the credits. But I'll give it 2.5 horribly acting Kim Cattralls out of 5

This one was truly drawn in 60 seconds, blecchh.
ha! best picture posted on the site so far me thinks!